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The First Dubbed Anime: A Look Back at Astro Boy the Release that Paved the Way

English Dubbed Anime Lovers first english dubbed anime 1963 astro boy 3
English Dubbed Anime Lovers first english dubbed anime 1963 astro boy 3
Astro Boy is the first anime to receive an English dub and changed the game for future dub releases.

Dubbed anime has become a popular staple in the entertainment industry. Fans worldwide enjoy the convenience of watching anime in English or with subtitles. However, it wasn’t always this way. For many years, anime was only available in its original Japanese audio, making it difficult for non-Japanese speakers to enjoy their favorite shows.

Fortunately, this all changed with the release of the first dubbed anime in English – Astro Boy. This historic release paved the way for future dub releases and made anime more accessible to a global audience. This article will look back at the first dubbed anime and its impact on the industry.

The rise of Japanese animation: 1963 Astro Boy

Astro Boy, also known as Tetsuwan Atomu in Japan, was the first dubbed anime in English, which premiered on NBC on September 7, 1963. The anime series was adapted from the manga of the same name, created by Osamu Tezuka.

The series revolved around a robot boy named Astro, who was created by a brilliant scientist named Dr. Tenma. He designed Astro to look and act like a human boy, with incredible strength and advanced technology that allowed him to fly and shoot laser beams from his eyes. Astro was intended to replace Dr. Tenma’s deceased son, but when Tenma realizes that Astro can never truly replace his son, he rejects him and leaves him to fend for himself in a world that fears and misunderstands robots.

Astro’s adventures in the series ranged from battling robots and saving the world from evil forces to dealing with issues relevant to the time, such as environmentalism and discrimination.

The English Dub Release of Astro Boy

English Dubbed Anime Lovers first english dubbed anime 1963 astro boy 1

The English dub of Astro Boy premiered on NBC on September 7, 1963, just months after the original Japanese broadcast. The series was dubbed by the American production company NBC Enterprises. The voice cast for Astro Boy’s English dub played a crucial role in its success. Billie Lou Watt’s performance as Astro Boy captured the character’s youthful and optimistic personality, while Ray Owens’ portrayal of Dr. Elefun added a sense of wisdom and guidance to the series

Astro Boy's Contribution to the English Dubbing Industry

English Dubbed Anime Lovers first english dubbed anime 1963 astro boy 2

Astro Boy’s English dub release had a significant impact on anime localization. It demonstrated that anime could be successful outside of Japan and paved the way for more anime series to receive English dubs for international release.

This helped to establish anime as a global entertainment industry and made it easier for fans worldwide to enjoy their favorite anime series.

English Dubbing Industry

English dubbed anime streaming services

Astro Boy’s English dub marked a significant moment in the history of anime and the birth of English dubbed anime. As the pioneer of dubbed anime, Astro Boy’s impact on the anime industry and its localization cannot be overstated. Its influence on English voice acting in anime and the early days of anime dubbing paved the way for future generations of anime fans and creators. By looking back at the history of Astro Boy’s English dub, we gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the industry and the art form. Its contribution to the English dubbing industry is still felt today, and its legacy as a beloved classic continues to inspire new generations of anime fans worldwide.

FAQ about English dub first anime Astro Boy:

When was Astro Boy’s English dub release?

The English dub of Astro Boy premiered on NBC on September 7, 1963.

Who voiced Astro Boy in the English dub?

Billie Lou Watt voiced Astro Boy in the English dub.

What was the impact of Astro Boy’s English dub release?

Astro Boy’s English dub release paved the way for future dubbed anime releases and helped establish anime as a global entertainment industry.

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