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Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Edal Featured Images 1024x640 Grimgar Of Fantasy And Ash
Edal Featured Images 1024×640 Grimgar Of Fantasy And Ash

A brief review by

Robert K. Patterson

Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama and Fantasy

Warning* Chapter 3 spoiler alert

I decided to take a chance and start Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash. I don’t recommend this for the faint of heart. I’m through 5 episodes now and I find it emotionally taxing as the most relatable personality (Manato is the priest and leader) gets killed in the third episode. This about a group of people with disparate personalities thrown together in an unfamiliar situation. It is a mystery as to why no one has any memory of their lives before they became ‘volunteer soldiers’. It’s their job to survive and kill goblins who are formidable opponents. However, now that I’m into it and getting used to the complex plot, I am actually starting to enjoy how the plot is evolving. Give this a shot if you like to watch complex interrelations evolve.

What I really like about this series besides the diverse personalities is the realistic way they deal with the tragedy of losing their leader.  At first, no one steps up to the plate and the group is in danger of dissolving.  Then gradually they start adapting.  The graphics and artwork is fantastic also.  I am hoping for a season two.

At the time of this writing, there has been only eight episodes released.  The characters have made a lot of progress in their ability to get along.  These groups are known as ‘parties’ and theirs appears to finally show signs of recovering from what was almost a fatal disaster.

anime line up

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